Vacation Rental Furnishing Checklist: To Gain Repeat Reservations!

Vacation Rental Furnishing Checklist: To Gain Repeat Reservations!
SAJITHA BANU Z Content Writer


We know building a vacation rental website consists of so many hurdles to cross. The most important thing which you can’t exclude is furnishing your vacation rental. Many entrepreneurs are unsure about choosing the best furniture for their rental property. In short, the rental industry is very competitive, so ensure to stand out with great interior design factors.


How much does it cost to furnish a vacation rental?

The cost of furnishing your vacation rental business depends on several factors like brand, inventory, and furniture condition. Some rental owners even spend more than $100,000 while small to medium businesses spend little to nothing.


How to budget for vacation rental furniture?

If you’re planning from scratch, you need to organize your budget and consider other upgrades within it. Understanding your priority can help you to stay on budget. Ensure to separate the most important from the desirable and plan within your budget. Always be generous when spending on furniture.


What will be the cost to furnish an Airbnb?

For Airbnb Plus or Superhost status, you need to spend upfront. Of course, the investment is all worth it, but consistency is the key. To achieve that famed status requires some additional support. You can get your own Airbnb vacation rental script and get it all done as needed.


How to find short-term rental furniture?

Choosing the right furniture for vacation rental is important, but permanent is not mandatory. You can try to furnish wisely and renovate when felt bored with existing furniture easily. Get short-term rental tables or other furniture as per your choices.


Create a checklist

As a first step, you must create a checklist of all the furnishings you own. If you are starting out the vacation rental business from scratch, consider the necessary furniture you need.

This checklist will help you to furnish as per requirements easily.

Know your target audience

Understanding your target guests will help you to make furnishing decisions much easier. You can furnish your property based on the families of young children. If your target guests are children, then consider kid-friendly furniture.

Find inspiration online

Use social sites to get ideas for the overall furnishing look and style that you wish to have in your vacation rental. Of course, you can find tons of interior design ideas online, especially on social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest.

Have a unique style

The furnishing style will speak about the personality of your vacation rental which you can plan based on location and the budget. To attract more guests to your vacation rental property, ensure to have an appealing and unique theme.

Invest in good quality

In general, while choosing furniture for a vacation rental, always pick the durable ones. Good quality furniture will have a long life even if you get a stream of large incoming visitors. For instance, invest in good mattresses over cheaper ones for quality.

Consider storage

If your guests are likely to stay for a longer period, you need to provide storage items too. Things like a simple closet, drawer, or clothes space will enable them to feel the comfort of home. For example, you can provide a hanging rail, or an antique dresser, etc.

Use proper lighting

Whether it’s a bedroom or living room, your lighting choices can impact your vacation rental greatly. If you’re lacking with bad lighting, then you might not attract more guests. Consider energy-saving lights such as LED bulbs to be more eco-friendly.

Cover up all flaws

Imagine your rental property has a small hole or chip in a wall that is difficult to repair. In order to save your budget, you can consider handing a beautiful frame or painting over the top. This will hide any flaws sticking overall wall as well as makes it even more attractive.

Don’t overstuff

While decorating your vacation rental property never place too many objects and souvenirs. This will look overwhelming and cluttered for guests who are not a fan of it. Therefore, you can space out decorations like mirrors, paintings, and plants without making it more clumsy.

Pair old & new furniture

You can find unique styles of furniture in stores such as IKEA and Pottery Barn for your vacation rentals. If you wish to be even more unique, then delve a little deeper and make your own furniture which will add a unique touch over competitors.


Best furniture for a vacation rental

Choosing the best furniture for your vacation rental properties can directly influence guest experience and repeat reservations.

Here are a few things you must consider while furnishing your vacation rentals.

Living room


This area is considered the heart of the home. Ensure to add these factors as the part of your living room:

  • Comfort: Allow guests to spend extended periods of time.
  • Capacity: Meet the high occupancy with an average amount of seating.
  • Flow: Add furniture and layout which matches your rental space. 

All the above-mentioned factors will complement your vacation rental and ensure the best living room for guests.



Have you ever been attracted to a beautiful bed set? Or felt like sleeping on bricks? That’s why sleeping mattresses are essential to be of good quality. Along with that, you need to include the right bed frame and nightstands to give that cozy feel.


Dining room

The dining area is equally important as the living room, as guests want to spend some mealtime together. Be more practical and add furniture in your dining room to earn repeat reservations. More specifically, comfort is essential to offer inviting space.


Kitchen & bathroom

Any standard bathroom or kitchen must include all the necessary essentials like appliances, built-ins, etc. If you’re running out of budget, then consider having only the mandatory stuff which reduces additional expenses.


Backyard furniture

The outdoor furnishing itself can attract a pool of guests into your vacation rental property. Especially in the summer months, invest a little extra in outdoor furniture to make the ambiance better.



Furnishing a vacation rental can look complex initially but it’s actually a fun part. If you want to add value to your guests stay and increase more rental bookings at the same time. Then, furnishing your rental property can be truly rewarding.